Москва, Санкт-Петербург
Санкт-Петербург, Москва
24 октября, 25 октября
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Consent to personal data processing

The user (hereinafter the “User”), by putting a “tick” or a “check-mark” in the field “I give consent to process my personal data” and pressing the relevant button, accepts this consent to personal data processing (hereinafter the “Consent”). Acting freely, willfully and in his own interests as well as by confirming his capacity, the User gives consent to the Limited Liability Company “New Travel Technologies” (the abbreviated name – NTT LLC), PSRN 1147746826468, TIN 7724929270, located at:115230, Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky passage, 10, build. 1, floor 12 to process his personal data, specified by the User when filling in the field in the form “Registration” on the web-site (hereinafter the “Site”) and / or in the mobile application

The User consents to his personal data being processed which is not specific or biometric: User’s e-mail address; User data: information from cookies, type and version of the operating system and the browser, type of device and screen resolution, source, another web-site or advertising used by the User to access the Site, the language of the operating system and the browser, actions of the User on the Site and/or in the mobile application, and his IP-address.

The Consent of the User to his personal data processing is precise, informed and conscientious.

The objectives of the User’s personal data processing are as follows: to register the User on the Site and/or in the mobile application, to identify the User; to provide the User with the access to the personal account on the Site and/or in the mobile application; to carry out analytics of the User’s actions on the Site and / or in the mobile application, to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

The User’s personal data processing is based on cl. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and this Consent.

NTT LLC carries out actions (operations) with personal data performed using the automation means or without them, among them collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access) as well as blocking, deletion and destruction of the User’s personal data.

The personal data is not public.

This Consent becomes effective from the moment of its acceptance by the User till termination of the Site’s operation.

The Consent to personal data processing may be revoked by the User by means of sending a written application signed by the User and handed or sent by the registered mail to NTT LLC afterwards at the address, specified at the beginning of this Consent.

In case of revocation of this Consent to personal data processing by the User, NTT LLC, having grounds specified in paragraphs 2-11, part 1, clause 6, part 2, clause 10 and part 2, clause 11 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, is entitled to continue the User’s personal data processing. In the absence of the afore-mentioned grounds, NTT LLC ceases the User’s personal data processing and destroys the personal data within a term, not exceeding thirty calendar days, staring from the day of acceptance of the revocation specified herein.

Туту.ру — российский сервис путешествий № 1
По данным GfK, 1 кв. 2018 г.